Zabzugu district, formally known as Zabzugu-Tatale district is one of the 16 administrative districts in the Northern Region. It is one of the Eastern corridor districts in the Northern region of Ghana with Zabzugu as the district capital. It covers a total land area of 1,100SqKm2 and shares boundaries with Tatale/Sanguli district to the east, Yendi Municipal and Mion district to the west, Nanumba North and Nanumba south to the south and Saboba district to the north.
According to the 2021 population census, the projected population for the district in 2024 is 92,523 with an estimated growth rate of 2.5 percent annual population change. This population comprises of 22,206 women in their reproductive age (WIRA) expected pregnancy 3,701 and 41,635 falls between the ages of 0 – 15 years. The ethnic groups are Dagombas, Konkombas, Bassares, Ewes and Fulanis with majority of them being Muslims.
Health facilities
For health administration purposes, the district is divided into five (5) sub-districts (Nakpale, Gortanie, Kukpaligu, Zabzugu and Sabare). Zabzugu district has one (1) district hospital which caters for the inhabitants of the district capital and its environs and also serves as a referral point for the district. There are three (3) Health Centers, one (1) school clinic, twenty-eight (28) demarcated CHPS Zones and sixteen (16) operational CHPS zones (9 with structures). The district has one hundred and fifty-eight (158) communities and these are served by the health facilities.
The district has a total of 136 educational facilities made up of 124 public schools and 12 private schools. These comprises of 1 senior high school, 1 vocational school, 14 Junior high schools, 62 primary schools and 58 Kindergarten. The Private sector in the district runs only Kindergarten and primary schools.
The most economic activity is subsistence agriculture which involves cultivation of common food products such as yam, maize, millet, rice, cassava and groundnuts. The main cash crop produced is the Shea nut, which is grown in the wild. There is a segment of the population engaged in fishing activities on the Oti River. Goats and sheep are the small ruminants reared in the district. The district has no banking institution.
Socio-Cultural Structure
The district has population of 92,523. Consisting ethnic groups such as Dagombas, Konkombas, Bassares, Ewes and Fulanis. The Ewes are mainly settlor fishermen who have settled along the major Oti River to engage in fishing act ivies. Some of the Fulanis are herdsmen for the indigenous people. Zabzugu District forms part of the Dagombas traditional kingdom with the king (Yaa Naa) as the President. The court and administrative head quarters is in Yendi Municipality. The Zabzugu Chief (Yelizoli- Lana) is one of the divisional Chief who expresses his traditional administrative authority over the zabzugu District. The district like many other Districts in the Northern Region boast of a variety of Festivals. Prominent among them are Damba, Fire (Bugum) and EID Festivals celebrated by the Dagombas while Bassares and Konkombas celebrate Yam and Christmas Festivals.
Zabzugu district has one large water body; River Oti that flows through the district. A number of streams, dugouts, valleys and hills are also found at various locations in the district as components of the natural environment and drains into River Oti. Some amount of dry season farming is done along the basin of the Oti River
The mean annual rainfall for the district is 1,125mm (January-December). The mean wet season rainfall is 1,15mm (April-October). The district rainfall is seasonal and unreliable. Temperature ranges between 21 degrees -36 degrees giving rise to high temperatures.
Soil and Vegetation
Soils in the district are generally Sandy loam with alluvial deposits in the low lands. This is very rich soil which results in the growth of yam cassava maize groundnut millet Sorghum rice and other crops.
The vegetation of the district is guinea savannah though some areas in the southern part fall with the transitional zone. Economic trees such as Dawadawa, Shear, Teak, Kapok and Mango can be found in the district.