
Area Boundary and Demography
The Suhum Kraboa Coal tar District until June 2012 was one of the 261 (Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) created under the Local Government Act 462 of 1993, in line with the Governments decentralizations policy.
Suhum Kraboa Coaltar district has now been partitioned into Suhum Municipality and Ayensuano District. The Suhum Municipality consists of nine administrative sub-municipals.
The Municipality covers an area of 450 km2. It is located in the southern part of the Eastern Region and Suhum, the municipal capital is about 60 kilometers north – west of Accra.
The municipality shares boundaries with East Akim to the north, Ayensuano to west and south, Akwapim North municipality to the east and New Juaben Municipality to North east
The Municipality population is about 116,277 projected from the 2010 Population and Housing Census. The municipal has a population growth rate of 2.1. The breakdown of 2024 population by sub-municipality is shown below:
Table 1.1 Population distributions by Sub Municipals

Source: 2021 Population and Housing Census
vital Statistics
The population of the municipality stands at 132900 (projected from the 2021 census). Males constitutes 49% of the population whereas females constitute 51%.
There are one hundred and sixty (160) major communities scattered within the municipality.
Close to ten (10%) of the communities have access to safe toilet facilities with 12% having safe refuse disposal system.
The climate is of the tropical type and the temperature ranges from 24θC to 29θC. The hottest months are March and April while the coolest months are December and January. Relative humidity especially in the rainy season is between 87% to 91%. It is between 48% and 52% in the dry season.
The annual rainfall figure for the municipality ranges between 1270mm and 1651mm. The first and major rainy season occurs between April and July and the second and minor season falls between September and November. The two rainy seasons make rain-fed cropping possible twice within a year.
Schools in the municipality
The map below shows schools in Suhum Municipal
Image 1.2

A total of 74 primary schools, 54 JHS and 5 second cycle schools (SHS, vocational and business commercial schools) were mapped.
Image 1.3

As revealed by the map above almost every community has either a well with a pump or a borehole as their source of drinking water with a few depending on streams and ponds for their drinking water. About 85% of the populace of the suhum municipality has safe drinking water. Eighty-one (81) boreholes, fifty (50) wells, twenty-eight (28) streams, one (1) river and eight (8) public pipe water sites coordinates were taken.
Image 1.4 private health practitioners in suhum municipality

The majority of chemical sellers and all the private health facilities are concentrated in Suhum township. A total of six (6) private health facilities, three (3) prayers and healing centres, three (3) major pharmacies and forty-four (44) chemical sellers are found in Suhum, the capital town. The Municipal Health Directorate in collaboration with these private health practitioners sees to the health of the populace of the Suhum municipality and its surroundings especially in TB detection, psychiatry conditions and epidemic prone diseases.
responsibilities and expected roles of municipal health Management team
The expected roles and responsibilities of the Municipal Health Management Team include but not limited to the following:
a. Management and administration of health in the municipality
b. Implementation of municipal specific health activities within the broad framework of National and Regional goals.
c. Monitoring and evaluation of health and related activities in the municipality.
d. Development of an institution of Health Management Information Systems in the municipality.
e. Management of financial resources within the health sector in the municipality. F .Human resource development of the health sector
g. Ensure collaboration with other partners in health