Fanteakwa North district is one of the deprived districts in eastern region which serves a heterogeneous population of about 59406 based on the projections from the 2021 population and housing census.
The inhabitants are mainly Akans (43.7%), Ga-Adangbe (40.1%), Ewes (7.9%) Northerners (5.5%) and Guans (2.3%). The district is divided into 6 subdistricts (Abourso, Ahomahomasu, Asirebuso, Begoro North, Begoro South and Dedeso) with 31 health facilities; 1 district hospital, 1 CHAG health centre and 29 CHPS zones of which only 13 have CHPS compounds. The district in the interim further divided into 5 networks for the networks of Practice and there are 4 established wellness clinics
The district comprises mainly rural and farming communities with exception of the district capital (Begoro) which engages commercial activities.
The occupation in the district is made up of the skilled agriculture, forestry, and fishery workers (60.2%), service and sales workers (14.3%), craft and related trade workers (10.7%). Others such as Technicians and associates, clerical support workers, services and sales workers among others represent (8.7%). Malaria, Skin infections, HIV are among the predominant Diseases in the District. Non-communicable diseases are showing significant upward trend in recent times.