Found in the Akyem enclave, Atiwa East District

covers a total area of 625.78 square kilometres lying between longitudes 0 3 West and 0 50 East and latitudes 6 10 North and 6 0 South.


Bordered by the Birim North District to the north, the Fanteakwa District to the south, the Atiwa West District to the west, and the Denkyembour District to the east.

Economic Activities

Agriculture forms the backbone of the district’s economy, cpontributing to local prosperity. Additionally, the district is home to

Health Directorate

Atiwa East District Health Directorate consists of five (5) Sub Districts with a population of 67,391 estimated from the 2020 population and housing census. The Sub Districts include are Anyinam, Enyiresi, Akyem Sekyere, New Jejeti and Kadewaso Sub-Districts .

There are 30 health facilities in the district; one hospital, three government owned health centres, 23 CHPS, 2 private facilities (Hospital and Clinic) and a maternity home. There are a few number of Pharmacies with host of drug stores widely spread across the District.

Ms. Vida Efua Afful

DDHS-Atiwa East District.